
I'm Gonna Try It

I'm going to try alli. I'll start it this weekend. But, you know, just doing something about my binging is making me feel better. I'm gettin' ready to get back to work. I came too far in the past two years to just let it all go to hell in a hand basket.

Sorry, I was supposed to write an update today, but didn't get to it. I had to go the doctor first thing this morning. Allergies. And I have an ulcer that's bothering me. And my leg still hurts. I'm a mess. I almost called my niece to call to take me to the doctor. But then I thought, "My God, I'm not that old. I can get to the doctor on my own. What's wrong with me?" Anyway, I went. And guess what? I have allergies. No Kiding. I just spent $140 so you could tell me something I already know. But he was a nice guy overall. He suggested I use a neti pot--you know one of those nasal cleaning pots that Dr. Oz talsk about on Oprah all the time. Well, they work. When I was using it before, I had to try to remember if I did have allergies.

So that's all for now.


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