
Let The Day Begin

Before the chaos of another day begins, I wanted to thank you all for your warm wishes and congratulations on the birth of grandbaby Luca. He’s quite a little peanut.

My daughter Carlene and I have been holding down the fort here at Luca’s mom and dad’s house, namely watching g-baby Claire and cooking and freezing meals so Cassie and Matt can settle into life with two children without having to think too much about what to have for dinner.

Watching Claire, I’m reminded why MizFit calls her daughter The Tornado. I bought her a tricycle yesterday, and some friends gave me their sandbox so I also bought sand and filled it up. Claire wanted to ride her trike, then play in the sandbox, then ride her trike, then play in the sandbox, then ride her trike… Then she’d see her stroller in the garage and she’d sit in it and yell something that meant, “Hey! Push me around!” and so we’d go for little walks or I’d race her around in figure eights in the driveway. It takes a lot of energy to be Claire, but it takes even more to be her caretaker.

I don’t have time to ponder too much in this blog entry since Ms. Thang will be awake soon, but in the few quiet moments of this morning, I’m grateful once again to my 300-pound self for taking that first step down the scale. Often we chastise our past selves or wallow in the “How could I?”s or “What was I thinking?”s instead of looking at the feelings and emotions underlying our lives at that time. I was still a kind and loving person at 300 pounds. I wouldn’t have been able to chase around a toddler like I do now, but that doesn’t give me the right to beat up on what was. And so I choose to pay her homage and to thank her for looking out for me.

Thanks again for all of your support and kindnesses, not just as it pertains to Luca, but to my blogging and weight-loss/maintenance efforts. We all need support in whatever journey we’re on. I’m glad to have you along on mine.

Luca and Aunt Carlene

Almost running out of steam

Matt, Cassie, Luca, and Grammy Lynn hanging on to Steam Engine Claire


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