
Getting Better, Facing Facts

There was a time when I thought I would never be fat again. I'd worked so hard to lose the weight, I was sure I would never regain it. Well, after having been sick for a year, I know now that's no true. Here I am again faced with losing the weight that creeped back on while I wasn't exercising.

Exercise, I think, helps with just about everything. I think I'm healing pretty quickly from the gallbladder surgery. If I hadn't exercised for two years before this, I think I'd be in much worse shape. Exercising increases your circulation, sending much need oxygen and nutrients to the skin and other organs. So I think I'm healing quicker because of all the work I did before. Now, I just have to get back to it. Next week, I'm going to start walking for 20 to 30 minutes per day to get myself accustomed to exercising again.

I'm still tired, but the pain is much less than it's been in quite awhile. So here's to working myself back into an exercise mode.


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