
I Made It Through, And Thank You

Well, I made it through the surgery. I'm still sore but I can tell the surgeon got "the thing" that was bothering me. He sent my gall bladder to pathology so I probably won't know what all of the trouble was until my follow up appointment on October 30. He did say that the duct was too small. I'm not sure if it's always been that way or if it's because of scar tissue. I guess I'll find out October 30. Anyway, I already feel better. I still need to heal, but at least that's an option now.

I feel like I've been shot repeatedly. I have four holes in my belly. And I smell like Bernadine. Nice, huh?

Anyway, just checkin' in. I wanted ya' all to know I'm doin' OK. And thanks so much for all of the concern. Sometimes it amazes me that so many people care. I've found that out over the last year. I can't thank you enough.


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