
Guest Post: Zenzation Athletics Pro Series Pilates Ring 12"

This guest post is by Ann, the winner of the Pilates Ring in  a recent giveaway I hosted. The giveaway was sponsored by America's Nutrition

I have to first confess, I am no exerciser.  I excel at couch-potato.   However, there comes a time, even in couch-potato-land, when one recognizes the wisdom and need to exercise.

I'd heard of Pilates, but had no personal exposure to it, except for the occasional mention on television.  I often wondered how those tiny movements could possibly be a "workout," but that was as far as my thoughts on Pilates ever went.

Then, Kathy (upon whose blog I am guest-writing today) had a contest to win a Pilates Ring.  I figured, if I won, it was a "sign" to get serious about exercising. 

God must have a sense of humor.

So, upon return from vacation, I found a neatly wrapped package waiting for me. 

As exercise equipment goes, it is amazingly and blissfully compact.  I can, almost literally, take it anywhere and store it anywhere.  

Well, I'm a whiny non-exerciser, who looks for reasons not to like exercise-related anything.  I need to justify and rationalize not using it, you see.  This compact ring makes some of my excuses go away - it is really convenient, and has the added benefit of not being able to be used as a clothes hanger.  Shoot.

The ring has two foam-covered hard handles on opposite ends.  I admit, the shape (for me) didn't seem the best ergonomically designed thing, but as I have used it, I've come to appreciate the designers knew exactly what they were doing. 

The handles aren't just for hands.  The ring can be used between knees and ankles, and tummy too.  And the handle shape comfortably allows for this.    So, as a piece of exercise equipment, I can't fault its design at all.

It is sturdy, durable, compact and convenient.  A non-exerciser's worst nightmare.

I was initially disappointed in the instruction sheet that was included.  It is a folded sheet of paper, outlining six different position workouts.  I thought, "where is the instruction on how to actually 'do' those little tight Pilates movements?"  The six exercises give you proper positioning for a workout, but never mention anything about the mechanics of the proper movement, except to say things like "... squeeze the ring together ..." 

Ah-ha!  I may have found my "out" for exercising with this thing.

Boy, was I wrong!  The ring takes care of the mechanics for you!  You don't have a choice, using the ring, BUT to do the proper little tight Pilates movements.  How about that?  I became an instant pro at Pilates! 

So, what about those short, tight Pilates movements?  Could they possibly be a "workout?" 

Let me tell you, Pilates is popular for a reason.  YES, it is a workout! 

And boy, do I feel it afterwards.  I've been using the Pilates Ring (12") with my upper body so far, and am already seeing some results.  I can't use it two days in a row (yet), because it IS quite a workout for the arms, and I feel it the next day. 

The best part?  I can even do this from the couch, while watching TV.  Is this not a couch-potato's dream?!! 

Maybe I should say "former" couch-potato, because I actual enjoy using this.  And isn't that half the battle for us non-exercisers?  The Pilates Ring IS work, but it isn't difficult to get the proper movements necessary to see results.  And results are the big reward! 

There are instructions for the lower body, and other upper body workouts, which require getting on the floor.  I haven't done those yet - but I will.  No, literally, I WILL ... and that is the best endorsement and positive review any exercise equipment can have.  It is efficient, easy to use, and effective.

I hate to say this, Kathy, but I think your giveaway made an exerciser out of me.  I was clumsy and admittedly pretty lame when I first started using the Ring, but I'm improving with each workout.  My muscles don't have a clue what hit them.

Thank you, again, for hosting that giveaway! 



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