
Life Is for Living

Fear. That one little word has kept me from meeting goals, finding happiness, and living life the way I want to live it. Even when I think I'm winning, fear chases me down and allows all of the self doubt to creep into my life. And then I think I can't do it. I'm a fake. Everyone will know that I don't belong in the winner's circle.

Over the past several months, I've been trying to overcome fear. I've had some success. And now is a time when I have to be careful. It's when I'm truly successful that fear takes over. It wants me to be that cowering child who was too shy to take up for herself and allowed others to tell her she had no value.

But that's not who I am any more. I've sought out strong women to hold up as examples to myself of who I can be. Lately, I have come to have a great admiration for Julia Child. Here was a woman who—despite her fear—created a life that brought her true joy. That's a key, too, isn't it? She created her life. She didn't sit around and wait for the right time. She created the right time. And so that's what I what intend to do. Create my own life.

No more waiting for someday because someday is today. And I know that God is going to bless me as He will bless my family and friends. So here's to a new day. Enjoy!

P.S. This is my horoscope today form Jonathan Cainer's site:

How important are you? What right do you have to expect better treatment? Ought you not to sit back and let others enjoy all that's good about the world while you put up with what's second best but readily available at a price you feel you can just about afford? Actually, you count for far more than you know. Even if you can't have all the treasures you might wish for, you are certainly entitled to the most important luxury of all: the sheer unmitigated pleasure of peace of mind. Events today should help you find it!


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