
Writing book about water

Well, I've done it. I have started writing my book on climate change and its effects on global water resources. I had made an announcement a couple of years ago that I was beginning this and had, but got sidetracked by work and activism. I am determined to finish it now because the more voices we have out here talking about water and what is happening to it due to our behavior, the more awareness we create and hopefully then the more solutions we implement to deal with it. Of course, moral will is the one important factor to all of this that must be present to see the real changes we need, but that too can come with information, education and seeing reality.

As those reading this well know climate change is upon us. It is wrecking havoc from melting glaciers, to floods, to droughts, to ocean acidification, to extreme weather events. We can no longer deny that there are drastic changes occurring in climate systems that are affecting water resources which is in turn affecting crops and water availability. How we approach this crisis but also unique opportunity to grow as a species is something that will shape our fate for decades to come.

However, this crisis is still not something you hear about in the mainstream media of America as water is simply not sexy enough. The real threats to our global water resources through pollution, climate change, water waste, population increases, agriculture and privitization are now shaping a world where those to come will find it harder and harder to survive.

So in the book I hope to look at the origins of water, examine how we are water, how our behavior is affecting its current state and availability, and solutions for us to preserve this elixir of life for generations to come. There are those who also state that they see wars for water on the horizon as we now see wars for oil. I am one who is optimistic in hoping that water can actually be used to bring peace, and will seek to explain this in the book as well. I will also add a litle poetry as well, because the beauty of this spiritual substance must be shared ;-).

I already know this is a huge task for me as it is the first time I am attempting to write a book. However, this is one way I believe we can also be a part of a new movement globally in bringing truth and action to preserve our planet for our own survival.

There is no life on this planet without water. There is no us without water. This is then a true labor of love for me in not only speaking out about a crisis that deserves our attention, but writing about the love I have for this most beautiful expression of life.

Thanks for your support.


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