
Weight Loss Challenge Is What I Needed

In this first week of my challenge, I've lost three pounds. And that's OK. Ann and I decided to do this challenge, and I was confused that we were already supposed to be doing it—and I didn't really get started until Monday. But I know better now. Ann has been doing very well in the challenge. I am proud of her yet envious.

I read her post yesterday, and it gave me the motivation I needed to pass by some goodies. Stress from a downsizing at work along with other stuff has me eating all the wrong things and way too much of them. I wasn't downsized this time, but many of my friends were. My heart aches for them. Even though they won't be without a job—they were moved to other University departments—it's still traumatic. It's like being dumped by a boyfriend who thinks you should just be OK with it. Anyway, that's all I'll say here.

Anyway, I was saying that Ann's post gave the motivation I needed to pass by some junk. And when I found out we already supposed to be doing the challenge, it gave me the motivation to get up to go exercise five days this week. That's 15 miles and about seven hours.

i've been logging my exercise everyday on the Daily Mile. And it all looks good, right now.

Even though I've made a real effort in the past few months to be positive, sometimes it's hard. So excuse me for not being more positive. Anyway, that about covers it for today.


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