
Week 34 of 52

Whilst experimenting and taking pictures using our Hi-lite background I struck upon an idea for my next 52 project. As the theme is POSED, what better than me posing, but not just a pose or two, oh no, that's way too easy. I want 100 different poses!!!

So I got to work thinking about what faces, expressions and emotions I could use. I decided for this project I didn't want to use props, like hats etc (i have enough of them), instead only use my face and hands, that should offer enough variety. I then began by going through the usual emotions - happy, sad, grumpy, sneezy, sleepy - yes, I did use the 7 dwarves as a reference point. Then I got a little more creative and started working on a flow from one image to the next. I also decided to use movies, music and whatever I could think of for inspiration as well as using my own many crazy faces.

I was lucky enough that Hussian was available to take the actual shots, which saved me running backwards and forwards to the camera. So we set up what we needed and began snapping away. Huss added in ideas as we went along which kept the project alive and fun, amidst the laughter and frivolity we did manage to get plenty of shots. We then got to a point where both our minds went blank (no smart comments) we called it a day, with around 140 images in the bag. Typical, that once we had finished and packed everything away I suddenly thought of maybe 20 more options, maybe for another day?

Anyway, as I have 100 images I wont be uploading them all. Instead, you will see the finished project below.
enjoy :)

Week 34 - POSED


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