
12 Signs You're Addicted to Food

According to Recovery for Food Addiction, a 12-step program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, food addiction has some undeniable signs.  They include—but let me stress this—are not limited to the following: 

  1. Preoccupation with Food—thoughts of food keep you from your daily tasks as in:  OK. I ate that, now what can I have? to the point where nothing gets done. Have you ever been in a situation where all you do is think about that cake sitting on the kitchen counter—at your house, a friend's house, your family's house?  
  2. Sneaking Food—waiting until family members or friends are out of sight to pull a candy bar out and eat it—or whatever food it is that you have hidden. Have you ever slyly slipped a piece of that cake sitting on the counter into your mouth when you were sure no one was watching? 
  3. Stealing Food and Money—have you ever taken your kids' Halloween candy? Need I go on? 
  4. Discomfort in No-Food Situations—if they won't be serving anything, I won't be able to handle it until I can get some food. Or I have difficulty dealing people unless I'm able to eat.
  5. Keeping Secrets—how much did you really eat today?
  6. Concern about Weight—no matter what I do, I can't lose this weight. I'm too fat.
  7. Self-loathing—I hate myself because I look like this. I'm so out of control. No one could love me, really.
  8. Eating after Others Stop—have you ever finished your kids macaroni and cheese? Have you ever left the dinner table and then immediately made a sandwich?
  9. Loss Of Control and Attempts to Control Fail Repeatedly—I try to get myself in check, but I can't. 
  10. Self-Deception and the Deception of Others—I barely eat more than anyone else (at least what anyone else knows about).
  11. Making Excuses—there's too much going on right now. 
  12. Food Is the Main Source of Security Causing Obsession and Compulsion to Take Over—self explanatory, I think.


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