
What scares you?

Have you ever struggled to write a blog post because you couldn't find accurate information? I wanted to write, "50 Ways to Burn 50 Calories," but I'm lacking several ways. In my search for these 50 ways, I did find this interesting page about how many calories you can burn during sex. I think it's meant to be funny, but what the hey. You can burn 50 calories laughing out loud for 10 minutes. I'll keep looking for 50 things to do. Or maybe I'll change my focus and write something else.

You Did What?
On Friday, my nephew found himself in a ditch after a snow storm. What to do? I decided that we could tie a rope to his truck, and I would pull him out of a ditch with my little RAV4. Before you panic and say, "Why the hell would a 52-year-old woman do such a thing?" I gotta tell you, it worked. Why did I do it? It's something I would've done before I decided I was afraid of everything.

My question to you is: Have you reached a point in your life where you fear even the simplest crazy thing? What I mean by that is: Are you more afraid now than you were, oh say, 20 years ago--if you've been alive that long? Or five or 10 years ago if you're younger? Why do you think you're more afraid now? Where do you think the fear comes from? What do you think it would take for your fear to diminish?

I'm trying pretty hard to get past my fears. Before I decided that I would actually pull my nephew's truck, I didn't think about it--not too much anyway. It wasn't until afterward that I went through a list of, "What's the Worst Thing that Could Happen?" Ruining my car was probably the worst. Death didn't even come up.

So why am I scared to death of everything? The odds are really with me. Why am I afraid to make my life into what I really want it to be?

Tell me what scares you.


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