
Waiting for Spring

The diet is still going well. I'm losing the weight I put on. Isn't that the way it goes?

I took Caleb to the vet this morning for "the Big Cut." He was shaking all the way to the vet's office—it was as if he knew. Poor guy. I will be nervous all day waiting for them to call and say he's OK.

I did not work out today. Tomorrow will be a gym day for sure. My friend is still calling me in the morning. I'm going to ask him to really lay on the guilt trip so I'll get my ass to the gym. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for spring. I want to get out walk. I can think of lots of things to do. Winter makes me want to hibernate. I hate it. I go to bed at unreasonably early hours—like 8 p.m. And I'd like to go to bed sooner. It makes me depressed and tired.

Well, I guess I should do some work.


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