
Embracing Forgiveness, Empowering the Future

Yea. I worked out this morning. Well, I walked a little more than two miles. That means I exercised in some sort of way five times this week—one day I worked out twice. Today, I feel more like my old self than I have in more than a year. I'm excited. Next week I'm planning to go to at least one Zumba class with a friend. Maybe I'll do more. I intend to go the gym as well, and maybe I'll even make the Pilates class.

This morning, I noticed there were a couple of older women in it. And I didn't notice until there were only 15 minutes of class time left. I was surprised and bummed out. I assumed it would always be a class filled with young people, and I was wrong. So you know what they say about assuming? (Note: I am happy about this because I am 51 years old. Sorry if it came off like I was being a jerk. No way. I love it.)

Forgiving and Moving Forward
Today I'm working on positive thinking and forgiveness. There are some people in my life that I will have a tough time forgiving. But forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, and it's my choice as to whether I have them in my life or just choose to forgive and move on.

Also, I think that the self-absorbed pity party is over. Thank God. I was getting kind of tired of me.

Nutrition Not So Great
Nutrition has been so, so. I eat healthy food—but I'm still indulging here and there—mostly here, and there, And maybe over there. Anyway, more than I should be. Usually once I get beyond a depressive episode, the chocolate cravings stop. I'm still waiting.

I'm looking forward to some warmer weather this weekend. When it's been well below freezing, anything above 32 degrees feels like a heat wave.

Don't know if I'll be writing this weekend. If not, I'll see you Monday.


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