
Shucks Folks, I'm Speechless

 I got an award. It's nice to be recognized among fellow bloggers. This award came from Donna C. at Journey of an Emotional Eater. Thank you, Donna.

The idea of this award is for me to name 10 things that make happy and then pass the award to 10 other people. I think I can do that.

1. My dogs cure loneliness and put a smile on my face everyday. Although they often frustrate me—I wish they would come when I call them. I mean, really, do you know when to come in out of rain?—I love them and wouldn't know what to do without them.
2. It makes me happy to know that other people are just as awkward and insecure about getting through life as I am. That may sound funny, but it's comforting to know that I'm not alone. We're all in this together.
3. Having friends and family I can rely on when I feel down. People who truly care about you are rare. I cherish the ones I have.
4. Good days at work. I like days that keep me busy. And I like good stress.
5. Spring days when I can garden. There's nothing like getting your hands in the dirt.
6. A good workout. Getting sweaty has many rewards, and I feel better all day.
7. Journaling about my worries and woes. Getting it out is a relief.
8. Playing piano because all can I think about is playing the piano.
9. Drawing for the same reasons.
10. The laughter of children. I don't think I need say more about that.

And now for 10 people to whom I shall pass this award:

1. Journey Beyond Survival
2. An aunt, a niece, a hundred pounds
3. A Life Change: My Journey to Happiness
4. Paula Want a Cracker
5. Amberly's Weight Loss Journey
6. Blueraspberry
7. A Walk in the Park
8. Only 260 to Go
9. Lose to Gain
10. PJs and Pounds

Congratulations folks and thank you for supporting me.


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