
The projects

The first project I had was to redesign my blog - bring it more up-to-date.  Which I did, but not as much as I would have liked; I want it to be a blogazine, rather than just a blog.  Funkier, cooler look and more interesting to read and view, but my skills are not at that level (yet), so this update will suffice for now.
The idea behind this design was I wanted the look of the blog to be simple and clean and in line with my photography site.  It's very possible I will keep tweaking this site as it isn't what I want.

My main aim for 2010 is to do a 52 week project.  What do I mean by that, well each week I will choose a theme: lines, colours, macro, landscape, abstract etc and shoot what I can that week using only that criteria. This should hopefully push me to hone my skills and creativity much more, whilst also keeping me focused.

I still have a few ideas I would like to pursue in photography, not least of all making a career out of it, which like most things is easier said than done.   For some reason I keep choosing interests which tend to be expensive, I should perhaps think this through more.  Photography equipment is VERY expensive and being a professional magician became expensive - cards will only get you so far (unless your Ricky Jay).

Being a magician I know what it's like to be desperate to learn and other people holding on to secrets refusing to share with beginners.   I found myself in an awkward place, keen to learn but nothing to offer (except desire). It was a catch 22 you couldn't progress without the knowledge but you couldn't get access to the knowledge (unless you were good enough).
It took me a while but I rose to the challenge, I learnt some tricks, bought some tricks and constructed and de-constructed tricks in order to make them mine.  The hard work paid off and I got accepted into the Magic Circle, which after a while lead to me becoming a paid professional magician; but it was harder than it ought to have been.  When in the Circle information and sharing flowed in all directions; which opened up all kinds of ideas and opportunities.

The thing is reciprocity is what we should be aiming for, that way we all grow: win/win situation.
One thing I'm very impressed with and pleased about is the amount of information available and sharing going on in the field of photography.   It used to be quite a complex and secret kind of profession (what with dark rooms and chemicals), but now in the digital age there are so many talented folks teaching and sharing ideas.
No doubt of course social networking has helped this, as it is now a culture that most people are involved in.  Not to mention of course cameras have come a long way and much more accessible to amateurs and pros alike - pros and cons to this of course, but again like Magic only serious folks will pursue it to a level of professionalism, for others it will simply remain a hobby.

So I have asked and am asking that anyone who has information or experience to share in photography to please get in touch, post links to your site, email me, arrange meet ups etc.

Quick side note: this blog has had 18,000 visitors and my photography site 4,000 visitors, which is fantastic - looking at the map I can see people from all over the world logging on, even someone in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean!?
Analysing further into the keywords searches for random things such as Vaughan Town, Lose weight and strangest of all, thai sexy girl in town; I dont remember posting that?  I bet they didn't stay for long!
I would like to thank each of you for visiting and please do drop by anytime. 

Lets make everyone's lives richer and make 2010 the year of caring and sharing ;)


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