
Want to get high, man?

I was watching a program on the Discovery Channel about addictive eating disorders. People who binge eat are looking for an increase in the brain chemical dopamine--the same chemical that increases when drug addicts get high on cocaine or heroine. (One of the reasons that Wellbutrin works well for people who binge eat.) The program further asserted that binge eaters use food as an antidepressant. (Wellbutrin again.)

So does this information make my journey any easier? A little, I guess. But knowing something and putting the knowledge in practice are two different things. I've actually been aware of this information for a long time. I am working on making changes. I can admit that I have a problem.

But I still don't need anyone to tell me that my behavior is unhealthy. To those of you who "got" my last post, I'm with you and I feel your pain. For those who didn't, try reading it again--from a little different perspective. Maybe you could stand on a chair. What? That doesn't make sense? Well, right back at ya.


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