
Season's Greetings...

... To the literally half-dozens of you who are still reading my increasingly intermittent posts. Thank you for sticking around - your comments really do inspire me to continue, and I will try to do more in the New Year. I've just paid to upgrade Haloscan to Echo, and I am nothing if not tight-fisted, so I will be determined to get my £6.33-worth in the next 12 months. That is over 50p a month, so I am hoping for some cracking pedantry battles being fought out in the comments boxes to make it worth it. In fact, I can foresee a graph of cost-per-comment coming up...

My recent lack of posting is down to the usual busy-ness of work (two nice new commissions and a couple of things of my own in development) and small child (he is two! How did that happen?!), however these are both good things and not to be complained about. Not too much, anyway.

We did have some new windows installed recently. Unfortunately the company were professional and punctual which is great for the weatherproofness of our flat, but not so good as a source of comic inspiration. However, next year there is the possibility of a house move, with all the attendant minor disasters to blog about, plus the subsequent need to do loads of DIY which is always good for those "I Have Broken My House/Cut Off My Hand" posts.

I was looking through a cupboard last week and found something I'd made as a child, which would have made a brilliant series of festive posts, but that will have to wait until next Christmas now. So watch this space, and in the meantime have a good one.


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