
Belly Fat, Gardening, and Walking

Eliminating sugar is becoming much easier. In fact, I'm at a place where I don't really want it anymore. And I feel like if I did eat some, it would make me sick. I think I'm through detox. I feel lighter because I've lost a lot of water weight. The Belly Fat Cure discusses how too much sugar can lead to inflammation and too much water weight. I do believe it is a good diet.

I'm still doing a lot of thinking about my behavior toward food. But I have finally figured out that if I don't eat something right on the spot, I'm not going to starve. I will live without it. However, I can still get into long discussions about the flavor of ice cream I like best. (I have a friend who will have these talks with me. She obviously needs help, too. It's OK. She knows it.)

As for exercise, I been pretty lax. I did weed the flower garden in my front yard last night. And that took about an hour. But it wasn't really that strenuous. I need to weed the flower garden in the backyard. It's bigger. But it's still not the strenuous. I will walk today, however.


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