
It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

It's a beautiful morning in Morgantown. I love getting up early in the summer—before it gets too hot. That's the best time of day. And this morning is one of those kinds of mornings that everything feels perfect—a good morning to garden.

The Belly Fat Cure continues to work for me. I think my middle is getting smaller—at least it feels like it is. I take that back. I know it is. I'm beginning to feel more energetic, too. I wish I had known that sugar was the key. I guess I always did know, but was in denial. If I gave up sugar, I'd have to give up pie. Well, as it turns out, that wasn't so bad. While I still think of pie for time to time, I know I can go without it.

I wish I could get myself into exercising again—even if I could keep up the walking. I have no idea why I can't get moving. I know I need to, but I have a block about it.

I'm going to make potato salad for my little nephews birthday party tomorrow. Little does everyone know, I'm using olive oil mayonnaise. I used that the last time I made potato salad for a family get together, and no one knew the difference. (Evil laughter.) My little nephew will be four—such a cute age.

Yesterday when I was talking about the Mod Squad, it reminded me that had a huge stack of Mod Squadbubble gum cards when I was a kid. I have no idea what happened to them. I suppose they'd be worth something to a collector—unfortunately I didn't think that far ahead when I was 10. My only thoughts were that I was part of the team—solving crimes and arresting criminals.


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