
Finding Personal Power Inside

10 Things Not to Say to Someone Who's Trying to Lose Weight really hits home. Weight loss support is great—if it's the right kind.

I'm still on my journey to not only lose weight, but become a better, richer, happier person, too. It's all in how you think about it. I've found a lot of resources Steve discusses how to change your mind on his blog: Personal Development for Smart People.  Manifesting Abundance: Understanding the Law of Attraction provides more explanations about how to change your mind to change your life. There are so many resources out there, it's worth doing a little web surfing.

None of these ideas are new. They've been around for millennia. They were all brought back to us through The Secret. And, for me, it's working. The power of positive thinking isn't just the title of a self-help book. Anyway, give it a shot. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

I've decided that I am the only source of power for myself. I can achieve my goals. I can lose weight, get rich, or anything else I want. I am rising above the darkness, emptiness, and despair. I have fully realized that I am the only person who can lose weight for me. I will no longer use stressful events as an excuse to eat whatever I want. I have power over the food—not the other way around. Join me in this quest to a better life. I think you'll find that it's easier than you think.


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