
Stepping stones

Things have been moving along quite nicely with Newdawn-Photography.  Over the past week, I have kept myself busy by designing the brand, the blog and general design for website, and I must say I'm very happy so far.

Huss has given guidance and input to help refine the ideas, which is where we compliment each other so well.  We have ensured all our paperwork is current and details correct.  The next step is the business bank account and then looking into basic book keeping courses.

The business cards have been designed and awaiting delivery; (see above) this is the details side, on the reverse we will have our images of portraits, weddings or products.
All the usual social networks group accounts have been made and linked accordingly as well as working on the blog; of course all this is the behind the scenes stuff for Newdawn-Photography.
On top of all that we have done a small marketing campaign, which has generated quite a bit of interest, securing us some weddings.  We did have a query about adult photography, but not an area we wish to explore, right now ;)

We are aiming for the full launch of Newdawn-Photography by the end of the month all being well.

As for my housing situation, thats a REALLY slow process and not much headway being made at all.
Missing Sandra and Pitu and even though we have Skype (and a bad webcam) its just not the same, I'm sure me being away for so long is taking its toll on them too, afterall whats not to love ;)


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