
1 Billion Dollar Deal Would Scrap Klamath Dams

Iron Gate Reservoir

This will be the largest dam removal project in American history and if approved will hopefully work to restore salmon stocks and other species to the Klamath Basin after almost a century and also restore treaty rights to the Native American tribes that live there. Of course, there will be disagreements as to how much farmers will take to use for irrigation purposes and whether that in and of itself threatens salmon species and cultural traditions, but hopefully an agreement can be made to respect the cultural diversity of this area as well as the farmers and the water.

This proposal has yet to be approved by Federal authorities, so we shall see where it goes. I personally will be happy to see all of these dams removed as their presence in this area has done much to deteriorate not only other species, but water flow and water quality thus causing ill health to the inhabitants there while disrespecting their tribal traditions and their love for the land. As for the future of electricity production once these dams are removed, I think it would be a great place for solar energy and I hope that is also considered in any agreement as replacing these dams with burning coal to make electricity would also be a no win situation.

1 Billion Dollar Deal Would Scrap Klamath Dams


By JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press Writer
Wed Jan 16, 7:49 AM ET

GRANTS PASS, Ore. - More than 300 miles of struggling salmon runs would be restored along the Klamath River as part of a landmark $1 billion proposal that represents the largest dam removal project in the nation's history.

The plan, announced Tuesday, followed two years of closed-door negotiations between farmers, Indian tribes, fishermen, conservation groups and government agencies battling over the fate of scarce water and fish protected by the Endangered Species Act.

"What we've come up with is a blueprint for how to solve the Klamath crisis," said Craig Tucker, a coordinator for the Karuk Tribe, which has been working for years to restore dwindling salmon catches that were once key to members' diet and culture.

The proposal calls for the scrapping of four aging hydroelectric dams that have stood on the river for nearly a century — providing electricity for 70,000 customers but also blocking salmon from reaching their spawning grounds.

The agreement faces significant hurdles. It must be reviewed by federal agencies, including the U.S. Justice Department, and the dams' owner, PacifiCorp, which must agree to their removal, perhaps as soon as 2015.

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More information:

Information On Klamath Hydroelectric Project

Klamath Riverkeeper

Klamath Forest Alliance


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