
my champions

I've been working my way through week one of The Artist's Way and thoroughly enjoying myself.

I thought it would be difficult to write three pages of longhand every day but, for the last couple of days, my words have spilled over beyond that third page.

Today I wrote four pages.

It's all stream of consciousness and some much most of it is just words I put down to keep going ("I'm thirsty" "Coffee tastes good" "The dog is getting a little smelly"). Every day, though, there are at least a couple of flashes of insight and I always feel energized when I'm done. It's not great writing but we aren't even supposed to re-read for at least the first six weeks of this twelve week programme.

I have never done anything like this before (and followed, through, anyway).

It's making me happy.

One of the tasks for this week was to make a list of people who have championed my writing throughout my life.

This is my list (in no particular order):

  • Each of the teachers (and there were several) who not only praised my writing but pushed me to do more. They went out of their way to give me creative writing assignments that would challenge me and give me the chance to grow as a writer. In particular, Mr. D., my high school drama teacher, was very special. He not only got me to write but encouraged me to apply to to Pearson College and coached me through the whole application and interview process.

  • My father, who was one of my very harshest critics but who taught me to value intelligence, reading and the beauty of language.

  • My spouse, who is almost always the first person to read this blog before it goes 'live.' His support has been unwavering. He knows me better than anyone and I value his feedback more than I can say.

  • My sister, herself an enormously talented writer, who has been one of my most vocal supporters since we were kids. I wrote for her when I was a child and I often still find myself writing with her in mind. Her absolute belief in me has kept me writing when I wanted to stop and helped to push me past my own doubts. Conversations with her continue to be the springboard for much of what I write. Of the two of us, she is the more lyrical writer, a poet who uses language in a way that inspires me.

  • And you, the readers of this blog. I started Not Just About Cancer as a place to process my experience with breast cancer and share some it with my friends and family. It has grown into so much more. Whether I know you IRL ('in real life'!) or not, I am so honoured by the fact that you keep coming reading (and that you take the time to provide feedback, through the comments, in person or via email).

Re-reading this, I am reminded why I consider myself to be a lucky person, despite having metastatic breast cancer.

It's good to count one's blessings every once in a while.


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