
i resolve part 3: get organized

I had chemo and herceptin yesterday, along with a serious dose of Demerol to keep weird reactions at bay (apparently, I am "special". There are a handful of other women who get the herceptin over 90 minutes or an hour, instead of 30 minutes but I am the only one who gets a regular dose of a heavy duty narcotic to go along with it). I did do some pretty weird twitching, though, so I doubt we will be eliminating the Demerol any time soon.

The third part of my S.M.A.R.T resolutions involves getting my life organized, a subject that tends to make me want to dive for the covers. We have more clutter in our house than anyone I know. Than anyone I have ever visited. There are piles everywhere and one room we can't even go into because there is so much junk. And all too often, we end up buying things (does anyone have any idea what happened to the electric pencil sharpener?) to replace things that have gone missing, only to find them a week later (um...why are there pencil shavings in the bottom of the laundry basket?).

I've had enough (and no, this is not the first time I've said this).

But I have decided, in order to actually get anything done, I need to keep my goals modest. I also need to get a sense of accomplishment, the chance to throw some stuff out and the feeling that we can maintain the order I manage to create (she begins to laugh hysterically at the mere thought of this).

So. My goal for January? Clean out the fridge, freezers and cupboards. I have already done the fridge (Sort of. We still have many, many condiments of uncertain vintage that I was not permitted to throw out). I have fifteen days left and some of those will be slowed down by chemo, which means that next week, I've really got to roll up my sleeves.

I'll let you know how it goes.


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