
buckets of sh*t

Don't you just love scathing movie reviews?

Jeanne, the Assertive Cancer Patient turned me on to a terrific review of the Bucket List by Roger Ebert, who as a veteran movie critic and recent cancer survivor is doubly qualified to review this awful-sounding movie.

And Ebert does not mince words, in panning this flick:

'"The Bucket List" is a movie about two old codgers who are nothing like people, both suffering from cancer that is nothing like cancer, and setting off on adventures that are nothing like possible. I urgently advise hospitals: Do not make the DVD available to your patients; there may be an outbreak of bedpans thrown at TV screens.'

As Jeanne says in her post about the movie review, "Don't see this film but do read Ebert's review."

A second review, of Katherine Heigl's new vehicle, 27 Dresses, also landed in my inbox yesterday. By Ottawa Xpress reviewer Isa Tousignant, it was called, "Dressed Down" and subtitled, "Katherine Heigl loses her charm in chick-flick shit-brick 27 Dresses."

Try saying that ten times, quickly.

Tousignant condemns the movie for it's "complete and utter lack of chemistry between [Heigl] and James Marsden" as well as the "ineptitude of its premise."

The critic concludes by summing up the movie as follows:

'...107 long minutes of insulting, sexist, predictable, morally offensive schlock that made me want to jump off this planet for shame of sharing it with anyone who may find this cute.'

I don't think she liked it very much.


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