
making music, taking action

As I have written before, I am a big fan of singer-songwriter Eve Goldberg. Her voice is pure and clear and her songs always move me. Her most recent album, A Kinder Season, recorded in the months after her mother passed away from breast cancer, was the balm and inspiration that helped me get through the initial shock and pain of my own cancer diagnosis.

You can listen to audio clips from each of her albums on her web site. Go check her out (and buy her music. You won't regret it).

Very recently, though, Eve has released a new song, one with a very important message. The following is from her website:

This month marks the launch of my new song "The Streets of Burma." I wrote this song after watching the TV news last fall and seeing the powerful images of monks and nuns in Burma peacefully taking to the streets to protest against the military dictatorship. Their protests were brutally suppressed. Watching these events unfold from half a world away, I was outraged, and concerned for the people of Burma. The TV news has moved on to other, more "exciting" events, but what has happened to the monks and nuns? What has happened to the ordinary citizens in Burma who long for peace and democracy? That's where my song "The Streets of Burma" was born.

And I'm proud to announce that Amnesty International has decided to use the song as part of its campaign to help free U Gambira, one of the monks arrested following the protests. You can listen to and download the song by clicking on the link above left, and you can find out more about the campaign at

Please support Amnesty International's important work in this area.

The song is lovely and haunting. You can download at the Amnesty site or on Eve's own website (where you can also make make a donation to the Amnesty campaign).


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