
i resolve part 2: health

On Healthy Eating:

"Example A: Eating Healthy

"Okay, so...I'm supposed to be lowering my salt and eating only lean proteins, got it. And saturated fat is the enemy. And so is dairy. And so are carbs. And what was that about wheat? Oh, not wheat, just gluten? So no gluten, carbs, dairy, fat or salt. And organic? Organic is better for me? So I should order only free-range, organic, non-gluten, non-salt, non-dairy, fat-free items? But then...huh? How is it possible that fruit can be bad for me, I thought... What? Glycemic index? No, I don't know -- HEY, CAN I HAVE THIS GRAPE OR NOT?"

And then, frustrated and fed up, I order a cheeseburger."

This quote from Kristy Sammis in her piece, "Announcing the BlogHer 2008 Good Health-a-Thon"made me laugh out loud, it so closely mirrored my own conundrums (conundra?) when it comes to healthy food choices as a cancer patient with lymphedema (and one whose weight has been creeping up in a most unhealthy way since being diagnosed).

My plan (one I had shared with anyone who would listen) was to "radically overhaul" my diet in the New Year.

But I had no idea, really, what I wanted that to mean or how I was going to go about it.

Then, along came Kristy's post and a huge 'aha' moment, in terms of understanding what I needed to do.

I am having fun researching diets and nutritional theories (I'm currently reading the South Beach Diet, and I'll eventually write a review) but I have decided to be S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) and make gradual changes, based on my naturopath's recommendations and guidelines to control lymphedema.

So, for the first couple of weeks of January, I resolved that every day, I would:

  • Drink one cup of green tea.
  • Add a total of two tablespoons of flax meal to my food (this is usually sprinkled on yogurt or cereal).
  • Take all my vitamins at the prescribed times (I am pleased to say that I have done this successfully for the first time since I started to take them).
  • Eat one servings of fruit and seven servings of vegetables every day (this is by far the toughest challenge for me. I have managed to do it every day this week, though, and it's getting easier. And it's forcing me to cook more, which is a really good thing).

Next week's goal is to eliminate white sugar from my diet (another tough challenge, but doable), in favour of small amounts of sucanat (cane sugar), stevia, maple syrup and honey.

I will also add a second cup of green tea every day. This does mean (gasp!) that I will have to cut back on coffee even more, so I don't overload on caffeine.

On Exercise:

I'd love to start a weight program, do the workout my physio prescribed every day and do hundreds of crunches (OK, so maybe I wouldn't love the crunches).

But I would also love to sit around in my pajamas and surf the internet all day.

I've set a goal for January that will challenge me but not be so overwhelming that I opt for the pajamas.

  • I will walk an average of 60 minutes 5 times per week (doing less on treatment weeks and more on my weeks off). I have been doing pretty close to this for a long time, so this goal should be pretty doable.
  • I will go to yoga 4 times this month. The session started last Monday and I went, so I am on track to meet this goal.

I'll keep you all posted, my internet peeps, so that you can help keep me honest.

And do tell me what, if any, health and fitness resolutions you have made for 2008.


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