
i resolve: family

As I wrote yesterday, I am developing New Year's resolutions this year (somewhat belatedly, I admit but there hasn't been a whole lot of time to think, lately). We could really call them 'goals for 2008' but, as clichéd as it sounds, I really like the commitment implied by the word 'resolution.'

And we won't even be going into mycompulsive list making tendencies love of making lists.

This life of mine could certainly use some structure and planning (other than the structure provided by the chemotherapy cycle). And having goals that don't involve being a cancer patient feels pretty good, too.

Lisa Stone, one of the founders of BlogHer wrote the following about New Year's resolutions:

As I type, I'm about to embark on my annual dive into New Year's resolutions. Every December since 2001, I've taken time to sit down with a ruler, a pencil and a sheet of paper, to create what one of my sisters and I call The Matrix. Across the top of the page I write the months of the year. Down the left-hand side I draw up the bucketfuls of life I want to live in the coming year. These buckets may change in order, but they're nearly always the same.
I have embraced this idea and modified her 'buckets' to create my own categories:




Get organized (my house and my finances).



Let's start with family shall we?

Bearing in mind that all my resolutions need to be S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely). This is what I resolve for 2008.

  • I will go into my older son's classroom at least once a week. This will begin on January 14, when I will start weekly knitting classes for the interested kids in his class (see, it's pretty S.M.A.R.T., right?)
  • On the weeks that I don't have chemo I will start sharing pick ups and drop offs for my younger son (to and from school/day care). I will begin with doing at least one pick up and one drop off each week that I am off in January (I know that I am not being terribly specific but this is a bit weather dependent, as I do not drive).
  • I will go out with my spouse, at least once a month, starting tonight (OK, so this was already planned but I resolve to plan our date night at the beginning of every month).
  • I will help plan at least one family activity every month (because my kids have such disparate interests, we often split up during leisure time. I resolve to make more of an effort to spend time as a foursome.
  • I will have my sister and brother in-law over for morning coffee at least one week end morning a month. I will make a plan with my sister when I see her this afternoon.
  • I will reinstate Sunday family dinners with my dear friend, DD, beginning January 6th, if she is available.
  • I will spend more time with (oops, not specific enough) call my niece, on Saturday and see if she wants to resume knitting lessons.


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