
I Really Feel My Age

Once again this morning, I had a private aerobics class. This appears to be a trend. But it was OK. I can really feel my age when I'm the only one exercising—the pressure's on you know. It's like having a personal training session every other day. But it's kind of hard to slack when you're the only one in class, too.

I'm still plateaued. I don't know what to do. I've tried so many things. I'll keep hanging in there, though. No matter what, I'm still better than I was last year. I'm really beginning to feel healthier, too. I feel like I have a lighter step—more bounce. I just wish I could break this plateau. Grrrr.

Nothing new to report on yesterday's post. I will let you know what happens. It turns out that this more of an interesting predicament than I first thought. But I'll have to be vague about that for now.

Last night I dreamed I was going to a conference. There were these two guys there who I first thought must be professors or doctors or something. They were wearing trench coats. But when they took the coats off, they were covered in tattoos, and all dirty. I was surprised. I thought they must be really scuzzy. But then I started talking to them and they turned out to be kinda nice. I'm not sure what this means, but I'll figure it out.


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