
Writing It All Down

It's been a year since I started this journey. I had a fitness assessment today. Turns out I am now in pretty good shape—at least my insides are. I walked a 13.39 mile, lifted 35 pounds 25 times, did 23 full sit ups in one minute, and I should be happy. My flexibility could use some work, but it's much better than when I started. But I'm still bummed out because of my plateau.

I decided my goal for the next year is to lose 30 pounds. But I have to breakthrough this plateau to that. So, if I'm physically healthy, the only thing to do is examine the diet—and I need to be as honest with myself as I expect others to be. That's means I really need to write everything down. So I have my diet diary at hand. Writing it down makes me more calorie conscious.

It's getting ready to storm here—lots of lightening and thunder. We're supposed to get some real thunder boomers. I hope it's not too bad.

I think this is going to be a long day. There aren't many people here to talk with. And I feel kind of down. So it's going to be a day that just won't end.


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