
Why are those two guys running away?

I'm baacck.

And I am still tired. I did a lot of standing. Last night I woke up with both of my legs severely cramping. And they still hurt. I didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain any either. So that's a good thing. I did a lot of walking, too. The exhibit hall was in the bowels of the Georgia World Conference Center. So it was four flights down and back at least twice every day. And the last day we were there, I made the trek about five times.

While I was in Atlanta, I saw these two guys running up the middle of the street—my first clue that something was wrong should've been that they were running up the MIDDLE of the street. But my first thought was that they were jogging. Then I thought, "Wow, they're going awfully fast to be jogging." The I look over to my left, and I see these two other guys being arrested—already in handcuffs and waiting to be escorted to the paddy wagon. Now, I'm thinking, "Oh, well then that makes sense that those two were running so fast." I don't know if one of the "running guys" was some a plain clothes cop or not. There were a number of other cops standing around, and they didn't seem to concerned. I guess they had things under control.

I did not workout while I was on travel. I decided to take a break. This morning was the first time I've worked out since last Friday. It was a little more challenging.

So I begin Phase III of weight management program today. If I lose 25 to 30 more pounds over the next year, I'll be happy. I have to keep this up for life—I know that. I'm just waiting for the day when I can maintain my weight. I've heard, though, that's it's tougher to keep it off than it is to lose it. I hope I can keep it off.

Is there anything wrong with finding a younger man attractive? There was this waiter at the hotel we were staying at—he was the most the delicious-looking thing on the menu. But does it make me a dirty old woman to look? When he noticed me looking at him, he smiled and kind of blushed. But he still smiled and even allowed his eyes to meet mine. I could've eaten him alive. Anyway, this is supposed to be a blog about weight loss and exercise, not my wicked thoughts. But the wicked thoughts are more fun, right?

Anyway, I'll have more to say as I think of things that happened over the past week.

P.S. Oddly enough, today on Friday the 13th, I ended my hour-long cardio session by burning 666 calories. What does this mean?


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