
I Thought I Was Going to Die

I had a personal training session this morning. OMG, I thought I was going to die. It was a cardio interval-thing. You know, you do a few of cardio and then run over to a weight machine and do two sets of 15 reps and then back to a cardio machine and so on. So after an hour of this, the trainer says, "OK now we'll go back to the bike," and I said, "No we're done." I was so tired I was shaking. And I still had to go to work.

So I'm supposed to do this new workout twice a week. I think I can if I lower the intensity a little bit. But I can't go like I did this morning. I'm definitely going to be sore.

Crush sighting today but I didn't have much of a chance to ogle. I was too busy being killed.

So I wrote a grant for $600,000 and it was funded by the EPA. I still can't believe it. I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself.


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