

HBO is running all of its George Carlin Specials. I DVR'd about six of them and watched four last night. You know, it's just as funny the 140th time you see it. I'm really going to miss him. He was a part of my life ever since I was a kid. It's his fault that I question everything.

OK. I did the high intensity interval workout again today. This time I started a little earlier so I made it all the way through it. It was tougher today than it was on Monday. I guess because I've already worn myself out by the end of the week. I really hope this does something. But it is making me feel more like I had a real workout. I've been getting that burst of adrenaline about midway through it. And then I feel great for the rest of the day. That always amazes me.

Caught a glimpse of my crush on the way out. I really need to get a real life. At least it's Friday.

My knee feels like I overextended it again. I guess it can't really heal until I allow it to rest.

As for other things, does avoiding someone like the plague ever really work?

I have to do a bunch of stuff related to my car today—things that I didn't do after Al died like change the title. I'm not looking forward to it.

Well, it's another work day. So it's off to work with me then.


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