
Now That Throws Up a Red Flag

I think I figured out my dream with RED FLAGS. I was throwing up RED FLAGS for myself. And, yes, I get it. Sorry, I can't go into detail here because the explanation has to do with work, and you know how it goes if you talk about your job on your blog. It can get ugly, and I need my job.

It hit me last night what the dream meant. Dreams are many times a metaphor literally being acted out. So how could I get a message to myself? I literally threw up RED FLAGS. There were red flags everywhere in my dream. And I was the one who was throwing them. Once I figured out that part, the rest was simple. Sorry, I can't go on. Maybe somewhere else. Maybe I'll start a blog about dreams and their meaning. Dreams are very personalized. Some symbols do occur in all of our dreams and there are those recurring dreams that we all have—like being late for a test that we forgot to study for, or the ever infamous being naked somewhere dream. But for the most part, you are the best interpreter of your dreams. And the symbols in your dream are usually significant to you and no one else. You ask yourself, "What does it mean to me?"

Anyway, I know not to do something now—absolutely for sure not to do it. With all of those red flags, how could I miss it?

Todays' workout was good. I feel refreshed. I like going to the gym. I don't think I would exercise on my own. So I need to get up and go somewhere and do it. In other words, that has to be my intention.

No crush sighting today. I guess Monday was my big thrill for the week.

In other news, I'm doing OK, just getting old. But hey, they say 50 is the new 40—whatever that's supposed to mean. I was born at the tail end of the baby-boomer years. So I guess I am technically a baby boomer. And I guess that means I'm one of those people who will flood the system with needs for medical care and whatever else it's supposed I'll need. How did I get off on this topic?

OK. That's enough for today.


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