

I wasn't going to write a post unless I had something positive to say. Yesterday would've been my 18th anniversary. And August 17 is usually the start the "Depression Season" for me. But I'm trying to put on a happy face despite my blue mood.

I went to the gym this morning and did the intensive interval workout. It actually feels pretty good once I get started. I managed a full 50 minutes of cardio with at least 30 minutes of strength training. My hamstrings are really tight, though. I'm trying to stretch them out as much as I can. I have a goal of being able to bend over and hug my legs. I can touch the floor now, but my knees are still bent. I know you're supposed to leave your knees somewhat soft, but heck. Mine are bent almost to the point that I should be sitting. I have no idea how my hamstrings got as tight as they are. And sitting around all day doesn't help anything. In fact, it makes it worse. I read that if you have a job that requires you to sit all day, tight hamstrings are one of the things you'll have to deal with. Ugh.

Next Monday would've been Al's birthday. He would've been 50. I have a really big birthday coming up at the end of September. I never thought this day would come. I remember being a kid and thinking there was no way I would live to be 50. That was so old. And I remember thinking about my 50th birthday being in 2008. I figured the world would end by then. But here we are. And I'm going to be 50. When Al was alive I at least had some comfort in his being 50 before me. Now I get to be 50 by myself—not that I'm the only person in world that ever turned 50. But it sure feels like it when it's happening to you.

I finally have my appointment with the nutritionist today. I have no idea how this will go.

Well I'm off to make some more money for the government.


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