
I Feel More Present

I finally got my tooth fixed yesterday. It is so much nicer without that sharp-edged tooth. Anyway, my face was numb for close to five hours. Why is it that the numbing seems to get number after you leave the dentist's office? And my breath had that wonderful I've-just-been-to-the-dentist's-office aroma. Gak. That's really hard to get rid of. Today, it feels tender. But not sharp. Yea.

I got some of my meds changed. I feel better already. I got rid of the Lasix altogether and made a switch in my thyroid medication. I now take it like I did a few years ago. The muscle cramps have subsided. I feel a little more focused (not much, just a little). I guess it's that I feel more lucid. I feel more present. I haven't felt this well in a while.

I did 45 minutes on the treadmill and 25 minutes on the bike today. If nothing else, my endurance is remarkable. I'm back to eating tons of fruit. I just love it.

OK. i don't know what else to say.


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