
I Feel Rested

I did the interval workout this morning, and to my surprise, I feel really good today. I must've gotten some sound sleep last night. For a while, I was so tired it was hard for me to make it through a workout. This morning I felt revved. I could've stayed another today. The interval workout takes 90 minutes and sometimes a few minutes longer. But I could've kept going. Now why is it that overnight I feel like a different person? What happened? I got some good sleep. That's my guess. I didn't wake up once. I slept like a baby through the night. Today I feel energized and relaxed. And I no where near as bloated as I've been. I know that's news you've been waiting to hear.

My world is pretty much the same. No news. No revelations. I'm just better rested.

OK. I have to finish writing an article. And the day looks as if it could be a busy one. So, later.


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