
Getting My Mojo Back

Prior to the switch in my thyroid medication, my temperature always ranged around 97. Well, last night I took my temperature, and it was 98.5, That's the highest it's been in years. Before, I always felt cold. Now, for the first time in years, I feel warm. I feel like I'm getting it together, too. And all it took was a little more T-3. So many people are different when it comes to the care of whatever ailment they might have. If we were all the same, we would all look alike. And wouldn't that be scary?

I overslept this morning—I'm sleeping better, too—so I didn't get to do the intensive interval workout. But that's OK. I'll get back to it Tuesday—Monday is a holiday. But on a sad note, there's still no aerobics class for September. This is very disturbing. If this keeps up, I'll just go to the university's Rec Center—as it's known. The price is the same, and it's closer to my work. I feel like my workout is suffering because of this. There are at least four people who would take this class. And if they did some better marketing, they might find that more people would be interested.

Now that I'm getting my mojo back, it's time to get serious about losing the rest of the weight. I think I might be able to come up with an eating plan I can live with—see I didn't say diet. My appetite feels like it's been slightly reduced—I said slightly—so that should be beneficial. I hope. I'm really hoping the changes I'm making will help. This has been a very frustrating experience. (Even my skin looks better.)

There's a football game here tomorrow. Traffic is going to be terrible from now until a good 24 hours after it's over. Mountaineer fans are dedicated if they are nothing else. And there's a pep rally of some sort today. That'll really gum things up.

And that's about the size of things today. See you next week.


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