
Hello from the Crazy Abyss

Arghhh! I can’t stand it! I’ve missed this blog so much and it’s only been, what? A week?

I’m roasting veggies, I’m making soups, I’m cleaning out the freezer, and yes, I’m writing the book, but it feels like forever since I’ve written something other than emails and the book. So allow me to bore you a bit with my recent observances.

I was all prepared today to step on the scale and see a number over 130. As you know, I’ve had a crazy schedule since late July and so my workout schedule has been sketchy at best. However, I’ve eaten well, stayed true to my stomach, and when I got on the scale this morning, I was 129.9. Point nine! Not 130. Point nine and still in the 120s. Yes, I know it’s a mind game. I know that on my doctor’s scale I’d have been 133 or something, but still, it got me through the day. With that number in my head, I was better able to complete a 60-minute cardio workout plus some strength training and abs and stretching. Sometimes you have to fake yourself out, you know?

What wasn’t crazy this weekend was the time spent with my granddaughter and my kids and my sister. Right now I’m home and alone on my back deck, absorbing the last of the summer heat, but I’m very sad to have said goodbye to them all yesterday. What’s different now is that I don’t eat my way through the sadness. Not that I binged before, but a little extra cheese here, some Tricuits there. Heck, light ice cream couldn’t hurt, right? Maybe not if I’d limited myself to a half cup.

Food challenges still abound. I’m glad I can navigate them easier now. But it doesn’t mean they don’t still exist. Why are they such a first line of defense (or offense, depending on the feeling of the mood)?

My brain is on overload, my friends, so I hope this blog entry makes some kind of sense. I just want you to know that I’ve missed this and will post again soon. I miss hearing from all of you.


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