
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

This morning I got the bright Idea to take some hot tea along with me. I didn't have one of those thermal cups so I decided to use a water bottle—the kind that you turn upside down to drink out of. Well, I ended up getting a face full of hot tea and I snorked part of it up my nose. Nice.

It's harder to get up in the morning. It's dark. And today it was storming. The perfect day to stay in bed. I thought about it for an extra 15 minutes, but finally got up and went to the gym. Apparently others were thinking the same way because there was virtually no one there—that made finding a machine to workout on fairly easy. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 25 minutes on the elliptical. It's hard exercising alone. It gets boring. Ce'st la vie.

Today should be about as boring as it can get, so maybe I'll write more later.


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