
Sanskrit Quote : Fate

नैवाकृति: फलति नैव कुलं न शीलं।

विद्यापि नैव न च यत्नकृतापि सेवा

भाग्यानि पूर्वतपसा खलु सञ्चितानि

काले फलन्ति पुरुषस्य यथैव वृक्षा:॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

" Nothing fructifies beforehand-neither the form, nor the family background, not even one's virtues, nor even the education, not also the painstaking service rendered to the community. It is the fortune of a person accrued by the performance of penance that yields fruits in due course, like the tree which yields fruits when it is time."


This couplet exemplifies the typical Indian mentality. The indian mentality is all-bearing. It takes to suffering as a swan takes to waters. This is the underlying factor behind the typical Indian patience which is so obviously absent among peoples of other cultures. We believe that nothing good or bad ever happens however much one craves for it to happen. Everything has a time-frame, after which no one can undo what fate has in store for us. It also says that in order for the good fortune to fructify, one needs to have the background of good deeds which amounts to doing penance.

People from the west wonder how an Indian patiently tolerates adverse things like Corruption, Poverty, Nepotism, Bad Governance, Spate, Drought, Attacks from vandals, Epidemics and what not?

This couplet answers such queries. In a sense, such thoughts have shaped our national psyche.


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