
Talk Like a Pirate

September 19 is officially Talk Like a Pirate Day. It's September 19 every year. So if ye ain't talkin' like a pirate, ye should.

So it appears that yet another trainer was fired at my gym. And he, too, was one of my favorites. But it was his own fault. He kept over sleeping and missed training some folks that had paid a fairly hefty price for a personal trainer. Still, I'm gonna miss him.

The girls are coming again this Saturday. I can't believe their mother trusts me with them again—I mean after The Monkey Attack and all. And the girls are excited to be coming. The weather is supposed to be nice, so at least they will be able to play outside.

I did 45 minutes on an elliptical this morning. And then I did like 50 sit ups and I stretched. Next week I'll get back into doing the intervals again. I'm hoping that they will start the aerobics class back up next month. If not, there really isn't much reason for me to stay with this particular gym. I'm used to going there and all, but none of the trainers I started with are there anymore. The nutritionist is, well, let's just say she needs some experience. And the whole thing just isn't what it used to be. I miss the aerobics instructor. I consider her a friend. I have nothing to look forward to when I get there in the morning. So why not go someplace closer to my job? I mean really.

I'm getting kind of tired of writing this blog, too. I'd rather start another one and not use my real name so I can talk about things that really bother me—and I don't have to worry about pissing anybody off. I keep saying I'm going to do that, but I haven't. So will I ever? Who knows for sure.

I will be 50 years old in nine days. It makes me appreciate old folks more—now that I am one.

I think that's it for today.


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