
philly bound!

Thanks to all of you who contributed your thoughts as to whether I should attend Living Beyond Breast Cancer's annual conference in Philadelphia. Every comment and opinion was helpful. You gave me much to think about.

Yesterday, though, I had the following conversation with my ten year old son.

Me: So...I have been offered a scholarship to attend a breast cancer conference in Philadelphia.

S. (lighting up): That's great!

Me: But the thing is, it's on November 1st, which means I would have to leave on October 31st and miss Hallowe'en.

S.: But this is a great opportunity! We can take lots of pictures. And there will be many other Hallowe'ens.

Me: OK. If you're sure...

S.: You should go!

Me: Wow. It's almost like you're proud of your mom...

S.: What do you mean 'almost'? I am proud.

Me: [Too moved to speak]

S.: And besides, you can trust Papa not to cut himself when he's carving the pumpkin. And I'm pretty sure we won't burn the house down....

So, my family has spoken and I have booked my trip.

It feels like I made the right decision.

Cross-posted to Mothers With Cancer.


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