
And Another Work Week Begins

My home Internet connection was messed up all weekend. I had an Internet connection then I didn't have an Internet connection, and so on. I never knew if It would work or not. If I had a friend who knew a lot about this kind of stuff, it would make my day. Now, where can I find a friend like that?

I did the intensive interval workout this morning. Today was one of those days where I just wanted to stay at the gym. I wish I could've. I worked out for an hour and a half. I wish I could've done three hours.

Some days I really hate going to work. This is one of those days—I have a lot of "those kinds of days" don't I? Today particularly sucks because it's Monday. And it's the beginning of a week where my friend is on vacation—so I have no one to really talk to this week. But I'll survive—I guess.

I ate everything in sight over the weekend. Sunday, yesterday, I ate enough for two people—seriously I must've eaten 3,500 calories and that's a pound. It's not a wonder that I had so much energy this morning. Why is it that once I start eating like that, I can't stop? I'm like an alcoholic. What brought on this binge? Well, I'm not sure I can say. I did have a period after not having one for six months. And the hormone levels were crazy. I had all kinds of "cravings"—food being among them. The period really only lasted for two days. Today, I feel better. I slept well last night, even though I woke up a number of times. So I'm blaming hormones for my lack of willpower. I'm not sure I could've willed myself not to eat anyway.

I have an appointment with a nutritionist on July 31. I already know what she's going to say. But I do need to be accountable for the amount that I'm eating. And I hope this will help. If I actually have to turn in food journals to somebody, it'll make me think about how much I'm eating.

OK. I have a meeting this morning. And I have a long day ahead of me. So, TTFN.


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