
I Can't Remember What It Used to be Like

Someone asked about the comparison of when I first started exercising to now—being able to workout for 90 minutes at a time. Wow. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering what awful shape I was in. When I first started exercising, I could barely move. It was a great effort just to bend over and pick something up. In fact, I couldn't really bend over. I could not touch the floor. Most times I just picked things up with my toes—if I could. I was breathless most of the time as well. I couldn't even get up from the couch once I laid my big ass down—it was the old turtle on its back thing.

Now, more than a year later, I can do most anything I want to do. I am more flexible. I can breathe—even when climbing stairs. This morning I did 30 minutes on an elliptical and 35 minutes on a treadmill—at about four miles per hour. I burned more than 600 calories. I can do a full sit up—in fact several of them. Last year, I couldn't have begun to do even one. I can press about 80 pounds. When I first started out, I couldn't stand back up between sets on the pull down lat machine. I would just sit there and hold the bar between sets. Now, I can stand back up with ease and can pull between 60 and 72 pounds, depending on how I'm feeling. I can press 140 pounds with my legs. And the list goes on.

The way I feel has changed dramatically. The way I feel about myself has changed dramatically. I have more confidence. I am more alert. I can shop for clothes in the regular-size section.

I have lost more than 60 pounds. I'd like to lose about 40 more, but I'm on my way. Exercise has become a part of my day—it's not something that I have to make time for. It's just something that I do. It's part of my routine. Some days I want to sleep in and not go to the gym—but I'm always glad that I did. I have a spring in my step that I thought was long lost.

Like I said earlier, my life has changed. I can barely remember what it used to be like.


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