
Lots and Lots of Cardio

Thank God it's Friday. I did 30 minutes on an elliptical, 30 minutes on a treadmill, and 15 minutes on an exercise bike (I wanted to do 20 minutes on the bike but got sidetracked in a conversation with a fellow gym goer). So I burned about 700 calories this morning, according to what the equipment said anyway. I'm ready for a rest this weekend. By the time Friday gets here, I'm usually worn out.

Today I feel thin, even if it doesn't show on the scale. My gym friend commented that I look like I'm still losing—"You're losing inches though, aren't you?" he said.

"Yeah, a little," I said. "But I've been plateaued for a long time now. I've been hovering around the same weight since about February. And that's when it gets really hard. It's like: "why not go ahead and eat what I want? It's not like I'm losing weight anyway.'"

And that's where the trouble lies. I started eating too much, and then I reached a point where what I'm taking in and what I'm expending balance out. And that equals no weight loss. So, I've got to get the eating under control.

Well I have the weekend to chill out. So that's what I think I will do.


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