
It's Too Much Like Personal Training—What Did I Say?

I'm such a worrier. The EPA teleconference went fine. Just a few minor changes to the proposal overall—a little more detail here and there. I don't know why I always feel like something terrible is going to happen. I guess maybe if I prepare myself for the worst, I won't feel so bad when and if it does happen.

I had no Internet access last night. It was very frustrating. This has been going on since Comcast started screwing around with the channel lineup—but ask them about it and they'll tell you there have been no interruptions in service and look at you with this blank expression. You why they do that? It's if they admit that service is being interrupted, they would have to give everyone credit on their bill. And God knows that can't happen.

Well, there are no aerobics classes throughout August. I guess not enough people have been showing up, and the fitness manager thinks it's too much like personal training—what did I say?—to allow one person to take a class by herself—that means me. This kind of puts the screws to my fitness routine. But I guess a break won't hurt me. And I can find something else to do for a while. But I want the classes back in the fall.

I was sweating like crazy this morning. I guess the humidity is really high. I was literally drenched. I could have wrung out my t-shirt. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on a stationary bike. The bike was hard. I'm not used to riding a bike. I think this might help me step it up a little.

Another busy day. I'll be back tomorrow.


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