
B fair?

Not that I'm a huge Syesha Mercado fan, but come on! They did her waaaay dirty on last night's episode of American Idol. The three remaining contestants were allowed to sing 3 songs: 1) a song choosen by Randy, Paula, or Simon, 2) a song of their choice, and 3) a song choosen by the show's producers.

Let's ignore David Archuleta for once and get down to the nitty gritty. Did anyone else find it strange that the producers thought Syesha Mercado would sound best singing "Hit Me Up" - a song originally sang by Gia Farrell (who?) from the Happy Feet soundtrack? Meanwhile, the producers elected for David Cook to close the show with a Diane Warren instant classic "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing", immortalized by Aerosmith from the film Armegeddon. Did I mention that David was given a 16-piece string orchestra to back him? Something seems a little I tripping? D.Cook is my fave, but really AI, you don't have to hand it to him. Let him earn it!


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