
REALIZE Band technology latest FDA-approved surgical device for weight-loss surgery

Cabell Huntington Hospital has introduced the latest FDA-approved surgical device for weight-loss surgery for patients who are morbidly obese. REALIZE Band technology is ideal for many patients who are between 75 and 100 pounds overweight, according to Dr. Blaine Nease, director for the Cabell Huntington Hospital Center for Surgical Weight Control.

Nease said the REALIZE Band can be put into place easier, meaning patients are under anesthesia for less time. The procedure is minimally invasive, so only four small incisions are used and patients usually have a shorter recovery time. In a majority of the cases, patients are able to go home the same day as their surgery.

Because the procedure is so much simpler, patients receiving the REALIZE Band may experience fewer side effects than those associated with other surgical weight-loss procedures.

Patients are also able to keep up with their post-surgery progress using a customized program that comes along with the REALIZE Band. The program features online resources like individual nutrition plans, fitness plans and discussion boards to help maintain healthy post-surgery lifestyles.

Source: The Ironton Tribune


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