
How can this be?

I had to write this down. Last night, I dreamed I was pregnant. At first I didn't know I was pregnant. It was only after I took a pregnancy test that I discovered it. I'm not sure why I was taking the test, only that I did it. When I turned the indicator over, there it was in bright red letters--PREGNANT. My first thought was, "How can this be? Al has been dead for more than two-and a-half years. Yet he is clearly the father. In fact he was the only one who could be the father." I wondered why I would get pregnant now. I never could get pregnant before. But now that Al was gone, I get pregnant. Could this pregnancy have been lying dormant for more than two years? No that was ridiculous. Then I remembered having some kind of surgery, and I thought about some hormones that I had been taking. All of this must've cleared the way for a prgenancy to be possible.

After a little more thought I remember that I had artificially inseminated myself. (Weird I know, but that's dreaming for you. And I even had a memory of how I had done it, but I will not go into detail. And don't ask because I won't tell you. It was just too weird.)

Once I knew for sure that I was, in fact, pregnant, I immediately got scared. How could I possibly do this on my own? But here was my belly getting bigger. And that explained why I was having such a difficult time losing weight. This baby was growing inside me. And I was already three months along. I remember thinking that baby must've already taken a form and its sex would be known.

Now for reason, I went back in time to when I was in high school. I was wondering the halls of my school trying to find my class. But I was lost. I thought that the teacher would surely excuse my tardiness since I was, after all, pregnant.

Now I began to accept my pregnancy. And I was excited because it was Al's baby. I thought that his DNA would carry on after all. He would be a part of its life. I remembering rubbing my tight belly and feeling the baby move inside me. I was already showing a little bit, too. I got on a bus and sat in the front seat. I guess I was going home. I remember writing about being pregnant in my blog. I wondered what people would think.

So what do you think?


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